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  Main arrow Tour offers and itineraries arrow Irkutsk & Lake Baikal at a Glance  


 "Irkutsk & Lake Baikal at a Glance" 


 Duration: 3 nights/4 days; May,15-October,10




“ All good things in Siberia come from Irkutsk. The town had blossomed, becoming not only the administrative and commercial focus of eastern Russia, but also the center from which radiated those imaginative ideas that enrich society…”- James A. Michener, “Alaska”
 “Baikal is not just a lake, but something greater and deeper. It is bottomless and majestic, but not an ocean or sea in which man loses all his visible bearings. There we sense the greatness of nature, feeling at one with it, not alienated from it, which is a rare phenomenon in developed countries. Baikal is a bridge to space. You must see Baikal to be able to say what it is like.” - Erdeni Ulanov, International Affairs.




Suggested Itinerary


Day 1

Welcome to Irkutsk - “Paris of Siberia”, capital of its great Eastern part –Siberia’s Microcosm and the gateway to “Siberia’s” Pearl - Lake Baikal!

Upon arrival we meet you with professional bi-lingual guide holding “Baikal Discovery” sign assist with the luggage and provide transfer to your hotel. When checking in at the hotel–enjoy a welcome drink. After having checked in at the hotel and some time at leisure we’ll go on a guided sightseeing tour of Irkutsk. During the tour today we’ll visit the city’s historical center and its most atmospheric sights, including Znamenskaya Orthodox Cathedral, noted for its original iconostasis, grave of the so-called “Russian Columbus” Grigory Shelekhov who was an early Russian explorer of Alaska and graves of the Decembrists-revolutionaries banned to Siberia after an ill-fated attempt in 1825 to overthrow the Russian tsar; we will also have opportunities to take pictures of  richly carved old-style wooden houses , see the Monument to Russian Pioneers of  Siberia  topped by the bronze figure of Alexander-the 3rd , the White House of Siberian Province as well as the central market.  Dinner and overnight–at the hotel.


Day 2

 After breakfast check out from the hotel and depart by coach to Listvyanka settlement – « the Gateway to lake Baikal» located in the mouth of Angara-river, 62 km away from irkutsk. En route stop at the holy «obo»- sight of worship by local shamanism believers where following the ancient local customs you’ll be invited to “sprinkle some vodka or milk “ and tie ribbons on the bushes as if to do offering to the local master-spirits and win them over. Then we enjoy a guided tour of the Taltsy Open-Air Museum of Wooden Architecture–the highlight museum of Irkutsk region, the place for all people to experience the history and traditions of the peoples of Siberia- Buryats, Evenks and Russians. After a tour of the Museum’s exciting permanent exhibition we proceed by coach another 18 km to approach the only outlet of Lake Baikal–the source of the Angara river. Here, near the Shaman rock associated with many popular legends which your informative guide will tell you about. We will also make a short stop to take pictures of gorgeous landscapes of the Southern part of Baikal with huge water space ahead of you and snow-topped mountains of Khamar Daban Mountain Range on the opposite side of Lake Baikal. You will certainly notice how fast here the river current is, which is due to very steep gradient of the river bed that makes the Angara one the world’s mightiest rivers.
Check in at Baikal Terema Hotel – a chalet type wooden hotel built in a typical Siberian design, all rooms having modern amenities.  Upon check in – enjoy another welcome drink from Baikal Discovery. Lunch of tasty Siberian cuisine shall be served at the Baikal Terema Hotel. After lunch we visit popular functioning St.Nicolas-the-Miracle-Worker Russian Orthodox  Church built of wood without use of any nail . Then we visit one of the local village families and will have tea from samovar while chatting with the hosts. Dinner and overnight- back at the Baikal Terema Hotel. 


Day 3

After breakfast we depart from the hotel for a tour of Baikal Ecology Museum of Limnological Institute which has a large display of unique exhibits of the lake’s flora and fauna, see an interesting  video about Lake Baikal and also visit the Baikal fresh water seal aquarium. Then we undertake a short and easy hike to the Chersky Rock. From top of which we shall enjoy great panoramic views of lake Baikal southern part and have a picnic-lunch   near the top.
After lunch we’ll get back to the hotel by coach and in a short while start out from the hotel to the Solar Observatory which has unique telescope for sun activities observation. We shall tour this observatory–the tour to be given by one of the scientists of the Observatory. Here you will also have another good chance to take pictures of the lake’s vistas standing atop the best observation spot in Listvyanka. Then we visit the central souvenirs and local shopping place near the boat station. Upon return back to the hotel we will have dinner and overnight at the hotel.


Day 4

After breakfast we check our from the hotel and depart by coach to Irkutsk airport for customs procedures and boarding the aircraft for flight to _______.
Have a pleasant flight! We shall hope to see you again on another trip with Baikal Discovery to great destinations of Baikal and Mongolia Asia! Please, be our guests!

Baikal Discovery
(C) 2002-2006